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Soap Bases Explained: Our Clear Soap Base

Soap Bases Explained: Our Clear Soap Base

Choosing to use a clear soap base differs from selecting any of our other bases. Usually, bases are chosen for their therapeutic or design properties. Choosing to use a clear soap base is an aesthetic decision only. For example, clear soap bases are the only bases that can provide transparent, brilliant colors.

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Soap Bases Explained: The Top 7 Reasons to use Baby Buttermilk Soap Base

Soap Bases Explained: The Top 7 Reasons to use Baby Buttermilk Soap Base

Baby buttermilk soap base is an exceptionally gentle soap base. We formulate our baby products with it and use it for those with extremely sensitive skin. It contains emollients that create a protective barrier on the skin. Read on in our list of 7 reasons our baby buttermilk soap base may be the base you've been searching for.

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Soap Bases Explained: The Top 7 Reasons to Use Argan Oil Soap Base

Soap Bases Explained: The Top 7 Reasons to Use Argan Oil Soap Base

There are many reasons to use argan oil soap. This article discusses our top 7. Argan oil soap base is gentle enough for sensitive skin while providing anti-aging properties. This is an excellent natural soap base for a variety of reasons. Check out our article to see what this robust soap base can do!

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How is Goat Milk Soap Base Made? (Or Soap Bases in General)

How is Goat Milk Soap Base Made? (Or Soap Bases in General)

Making goat milk soap is an exciting process. Any time you make soap it follows the same process - raw ingredients are taken through an event called "saponification" in order to make soap. All of our soaps begin with a basic goat milk soap base. This article will look at the 7 steps necessary to make goat milk soap, from milk collection to packaging.

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Soap Bases Explained: What are the Benefits of Using Goat Milk Soap?

Soap Bases Explained: What are the Benefits of Using Goat Milk Soap?

Goat milk soap is perfect for the skin, as one of its top claims is that it is highly moisturizing. It also contains natural vitamins and minerals from the goat milk base. It addresses anti-aging issues and common skin issues such as acne or eczema. If you've never tried goat milk soap you should pick up a bar - you won't be disappointed!

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Soap Bases Explained: What are the Benefits of Using Oatmeal Soap?

Soap Bases Explained: What are the Benefits of Using Oatmeal Soap?

Check out the top 10 reasons to use oatmeal soap. Oatmeal soap is known to be soothing, and calms irritated skin. It's great to relieve the itchiness from poison ivy/poison oak. Our oatmeal soap base has nothing added to it that would make it irritating. It is rich in natural fats and proteins. Contains real oatmeal!

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Soap Bases Explained: Top Reasons to Use Our Three Butter Soap

Soap Bases Explained: Top Reasons to Use Our Three Butter Soap

We want to share the benefits of three butter soap. In this article, we share the top 8 reasons why three butter soap is beneficial to the skin. Its moisturizing qualities cannot be matched by any other soap base.

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Sargent Asks: What Makes Handmade Soap Special? Here are 9 Reasons Why

Sargent Asks: What Makes Handmade Soap Special? Here are 9 Reasons Why

There are many reasons why handmade soap is so much better for your skin than commercial soap. Did you know the FDA classifies commercial soap - the soap you use on your skin - as dish soap?? Ew. Besides, commercial soap isn't nearly as pretty as handmade, nor is it customizable or contain all the good oils and butters that handmade soap includes. You should choose handmade soap for many more reasons - read this article to learn 9 of them!

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How To Care For Your New Handmade Soap

How To Care For Your New Handmade Soap

Do you know how to properly care for your handmade soap or why that's important? If you use handmade soap, you probably know how wonderful it is for you and your skin, but how do you properly maintain it?

Natural soaps contain a high percentage of glycerin. Unlike water, Glycerin absorbs water, so it isn't ideal for long-lasting soap bars. Water hydrates soap, making it mushier, which means that glycerin will degrade faster and also wash your soap away faster. So, how do we solve this issue?

It’s important to store soap in a way that allows air to circulate throughout all of its areas. It’s not a good idea to allow soaps to sit in shower caddies because more often than not they allow water to pool around them. You can guarantee that your soap will melt if that happens. The presence of any metal can also degrade soap and cause it to sour. So, stay away from metal caddies.

Use a Soap Dish

Any item that elevates the soap and allows the soap to drain can be used as a soap dish. Wooden, ceramic, plastic, or almost any other non-metal material can be used for them.

Use Smaller Bars

People who make handmade soap make them in a variety of different sizes and shapes. Using smaller bars of soap, however, means less soap will be exposed to water. It might be a good idea then to cut a large bar of soap in half and store the unused portion.

Store Safely

Handmade soap bars should be kept in a dark and dry place when not in use. You can also scent your fabrics with the soap by putting them in the linen closet or sock drawer.

In general, soap continues to soften and mature with age, and the older they are, the milder they are to use. You may find you’ve forgotten about that bar of soap in your drawer. Luckily it’s still good to use as long as it doesn't smell sour. Chances are, however, if you keep it stored away even under safe room temperatures for a year or more, it may not retain its original scent.

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Top 5 Reasons For Choosing Handmade Soaps

Top 5 Reasons For Choosing Handmade Soaps

People are going green when it comes to skin care these days by opting for cleaner, eco-friendly soap options. They want to know what they're putting on their bodies and control which products they choose. All or most homemade soap ingredients are listed in a handmade soap’s ingredients list. When deciding on using handmade soap products, you will know exactly where the product is manufactured, how it is made, and what is absorbed through your skin on use.

Natural Ingredients

The ingredients in homemade and handmade soaps are natural: every bar is made with skin-nourishing oils, seeds, and organic herbs each customized to varying skin types. The ingredients used in handmade soaps are carefully chosen and carefully blended, and each design is made with a lot of care and attention.

No Detergents:

Most of the branded soaps you see in the market contain harmful detergents. Traditional soap-making methods are still used in handmade soaps, but without chemicals. Chemical soaps cause greater damage than just being harsh on the skin; they can also lead to hormone and reproductive system disruptions.

Skin Nourishing

Soaps made from natural ingredients will provide your skin with a fresh glow, and your skin will thank you for it. This will prevent unnecessary irritations and give you healthy skin. Soaps made with natural ingredients have anti-inflammatory ingredients as well as antioxidants that prevent skin irritation. Regardless of whether your skin is dry or sensitive, it will benefit from the use of these non-chemical soaps.


It’s important to be cognizant of which companies we are supporting when it comes to the humane treatment of animals. With so many tests providing inconclusive results, the only fact which remains is that animals have been harmed during testing procedures.


Natural soaps do not use any harmful chemical ingredients that cause harm to our planet. Since only natural extracts are used, the soaps do not contaminate air, water or soil. Therefore, the natural ingredients not only benefit your skin but also prevent the environment from being further damaged. It’s amazing to see that handmade soaps have gained popularity throughout the world due to this fact.

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