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Sargent Asks: What Makes Handmade Soap Special? Here are 9 Reasons Why

Sargent Asks: What Makes Handmade Soap Special? Here are 9 Reasons Why

There are many reasons why handmade soap is so much better for your skin than commercial soap. Did you know the FDA classifies commercial soap - the soap you use on your skin - as dish soap?? Ew. Besides, commercial soap isn't nearly as pretty as handmade, nor is it customizable or contain all the good oils and butters that handmade soap includes. You should choose handmade soap for many more reasons - read this article to learn 9 of them!

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Sargent Asks: What Makes a Salt Scrub Great? Here are 10 Reasons

Sargent Asks: What Makes a Salt Scrub Great? Here are 10 Reasons

This article explains what you should look for when buying a salt scrub. Salt scrubs are harsher on the skin than their sugar counterparts, but both serve a similar purpose - exfoliating the skin. Salt scrubs are better left to the hands and feet or the arms, legs, and trunk. No matter which scrub you prefer it's important to exfoliate the skin to rejuvenate it. We have laid out 10 reasons what make a salt scrub a great scrub to use.

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Sargent Asks: What Makes a Good Sugar Scrub? Here are 10 Reasons

Sargent Asks: What Makes a Good Sugar Scrub? Here are 10 Reasons

Here are 10 reasons why it is essential to use a sugar scrub, especially in the summer. Exfoliating your skin is vital throughout the year, as it sloughs off skin cells and allows your healthiest skin to glow. Look out for these reasons before purchasing a scrub for your skin. And as always, look for a quality scrub for the best results. Don't use a scrub too often - 2-3 times a week is sufficient - especially if you have sensitive skin.

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Loud and Proud with Pride!

Loud and Proud with Pride!

Support Pride all year long with our Rainbow Soaps!

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Unleash Your Inner Artist: How Creative Self-Care Can Improve Your Mental Health

Unleash Your Inner Artist: How Creative Self-Care Can Improve Your Mental Health

Discover the Connection Between Creative Self-Care and Mental Health

Hey Soapy soldiers, it can be easy to focus on our physical fitness and forget about our mental health. However, mental health is just as important as physical health, especially when it comes to performing at our best during training and missions. That's why it's essential to take care of ourselves in every way possible, including through creative self-care!

Creative self-care is any activity that allows you to express yourself creatively and engage in something that you enjoy. This can include painting, drawing, writing, singing, or any other activity that brings you joy and helps you tap into your creative side.

  • Creative self-care can help reduce stress and anxiety
  • Engaging in creative activities can boost your mood and improve mental well-being
  • Self-expression through art can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose

Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities can have numerous benefits for mental health, including reducing stress and anxiety, boosting mood, and improving overall well-being. By taking the time to care for your mental health through creative self-care, you can improve your focus, concentration, and productivity during training and missions.

So, don't be afraid to unleash your inner artist and incorporate creative self-care into your routine. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a beginner, there's no wrong way to express yourself creatively and take care of your mental health.

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Discover the Benefits of Nature Therapy for Mental Health

Discover the Benefits of Nature Therapy for Mental Health

Soldiers, listen up! This is Sarge, your trusty blogger and guide to all things self-care. Today, I want to talk to you about the benefits of nature therapy, a type of therapy that involves spending time in nature to improve mental health and well-being.

  • Spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety
  • Exposure to natural light can improve sleep and regulate mood
  • Nature therapy can increase feelings of happiness and well-being

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can have numerous benefits for mental health, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. As soldiers, we often spend a lot of time indoors or in artificial environments, which can be stressful and take a toll on our mental health.

That's why it's essential to take the time to connect with nature and incorporate nature therapy into our self-care routine. Whether it's taking a hike, going for a swim in a lake, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air, spending time in nature can provide a much-needed escape from the demands of training and everyday life.

So, get outside and start reaping the mental health benefits of nature therapy today. Join me on this self-care journey and stay tuned for more tips and tricks to improve your well-being!

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Humor and Self-Care: The Perfect Pair

Humor and Self-Care: The Perfect Pair

Humor and Self-Care: The Perfect Pair

Attention, soldiers! This is Sarge, your trusty blogger and guide to all things self-care. Today, I want to talk to you about the intersection of humor and self-care. While self-care is often associated with serious practices like meditation and nutrition, humor can actually be a powerful tool for improving well-being.

  • Humor can reduce stress and improve mood
  • Laughter can increase feelings of happiness and social connection
  • Using humor can make self-care more enjoyable and sustainable

Research has demonstrated that humor can have numerous benefits for mental and physical health, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and increasing social connection. When it comes to self-care, incorporating humor can make practices like bubble baths and face masks more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.

So, don't be afraid to add a little bit of humor to your self-care routine. Whether it's using a penis-shaped soap or watching a funny movie while you soak in the tub, finding ways to inject humor into your self-care can have a positive impact on your well-being. Join me on this self-care journey and stay tuned for more tips and tricks to improve your mental and physical health!

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Bubble Up Your Stress Away: How Naughty Grooming Can Help Relieve Stress

Bubble Up Your Stress Away: How Naughty Grooming Can Help Relieve Stress

This blog post explores the benefits of incorporating quirky and irreverent bath products into your self-care routine to help alleviate stress and promote well-being.

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Introducing Sarge: Your Source for Quirky and Irreverent Self-Care Tips

Introducing Sarge: Your Source for Quirky and Irreverent Self-Care Tips

Join Sarge's quirky and irreverent self-care journey today. Bubble up your stress away!

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Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Did you know Coconut Oil works for skin and hair? It works wonders for both. It contains a wide variety of benefits for skin and hair - it can smooth severely dry skin, providing a healing element as it works. Coconut Oil can also tame dry, frizzy hair. It's high water content makes it a useful oil for various reasons. It also contains many natural chemical constituents that make it a five-star natural oil:

  • LAURIC ACID, which is a Medium-Chain Triglyceride (Saturated Fat) and means it quickly assimilates into the skin; eliminates and prevents various viruses; has evening out properties and textures when used in body butter, soaps, and salves. 
  • LINOLEIC ACID, which is believed to moisturize hair and promote its growth; facilitate wound healing; work as effective emulsifier in the formulation of soaps and quick-drying oils; exhibit anti-inflammatory properties; soothe acne and reduce chances of future outbreaks; promote moisture retention in skin and hair; make oils feel thinner in consistency, thus being beneficial for use on acne-prone skin.
  • CAPRIC ACID AND CAPRYLIC ACID, which are believed to assimilate quickly and completely into our bodies, as they are Medium-Chain Triglycerides (Saturated Fats); contribute antimicrobial and antifungal properties; stimulate hair follicles with natural proteins; repair and strengthen damaged hair while adding shine; prevent the spread of harmful bacteria, making it effective for use on acne-prone skin.
  • OLEIC ACIDS, which are believed to maintain the softness, suppleness, and radiance of skin and hair; stimulate the growth of thicker, longer, and stronger hair; reduce the appearance of aging, such as premature wrinkles and fine lines; eliminate dandruff and thereby support hair growth; boost immunity; exhibit antioxidant properties; prevent joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain.
  • POLYPHENOLS, which are believed to contribute scent and antioxidant properties to Coconut Oil; soothe inflammation; repair dry, damaged skin; improve skin elasticity, especially for prematurely aging skin; enhance moisture levels in skin; protect skin against UV rays; enhance skin cell growth boost circulation to the skin; increase hair growth
  • MEDIUM-CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES, which are known to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi; offer intense moisture; condition the hair and eliminate dandruff; boost hair growth.

As you can see, Coconut Oil has numerous helpful properties. It is advised to find 100% Coconut Oil in solid form. The label should state that no flavors, colors, or fragrances have been added. 

A couple of uses of Coconut Oil:

  • HAIRUse as a pre-shampoo conditioner. Just rub a small amount of coconut oil into the dry hair and let it do its work for 20 to 30 minutes. Wash and condition hair as usual. You can also tame the frizzies. Rub ½ teaspoon coconut in your hair after styling. The oil will calm down dryness and the frizzies and give your hair a wonderful fragrance.
  • SKIN: Moisten dry lips. Rub coconut oil on your lips and then rinse it off. Coat again with the oil to keep lips moist and soft. Also, fight fungus on your feet. Did you know that coconut oil has natural anti-fungal properties? It makes a great moisturizer for your legs, feet, and heels. Use it daily to keep your feet smooth and prevent foot fungus. 

You can find many more uses on the Internet, but this list should get you started with this incredible oil. Coconut is one of my favorite oils - I even use it on my dogs! The more you look, the more uses you will find for this useful oil. It just requires a small search to open a whole world of new uses.

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